Bible commentary by Maksym Balaklytskyi: the Book of Genesis
Gen. 23: the biggest need of the humanity
Gen. 22: Calvary seen by God the Father
Gen. 21: Sarah’s deathly laughter
Gen. 20: should a prophet always be perfect
Gen. 19: rehersal of the Lord’s last judgement upon the wicked
Gen. 18: the missionary method of hospitality
Gen. 17: I am God Almighty; walk before me, and be blameless
Gen. 16: why did the angel of the Lord returned Hagar to Sarai and Abram
Gen. 15: what was Abram afraid of
Gen. 23: the biggest need of the humanity
Gen. 22: Calvary seen by God the Father
Gen. 21: Sarah’s deathly laughter
Gen. 20: should a prophet always be perfect
Gen. 19: rehersal of the Lord’s last judgement upon the wicked
Gen. 18: the missionary method of hospitality
Gen. 17: I am God Almighty; walk before me, and be blameless
Gen. 16: why did the angel of the Lord returned Hagar to Sarai and Abram
Gen. 15: what was Abram afraid of
Gen. 14: Abram, the victorious king
Gen. 13: all the land that you see I will give you and your offspring forever
Комментарии (7):
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Good job.
But try to speak without hurry. Try to put even simple phrases in meaningful and authoritative way. Clearness in speech impress’ people more than abundant verbosity.
Максим Балаклицкий
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Many thanks. I appreciate your help. Now a correct wording is my main goal.
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Here —
This is an excellent way to learn how pastors expressing themselves discussing hot topics. Just read their comments, try to catch the meaning, save it in your memory and grow with that 🙂
You’re quite young man, you can do it. For me it’s kind of late to learn this style of thinking so you will easily recognize my sloppy and ignorant tan in there. But you can do it.
(and be aware that some of those people also making mistakes 😀 )
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Good job, sir
Максим Балаклицкий
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I appreciate your feedback, dear ЯЧ
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Do you speak English?
Bertold Hibner
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Dear Maksym,
Thank You very much for an interesting topic «Should a prophet always be perfect». The beauty of the Bible is that it is a very human book. It’s human side is manifested in that that it shows how we humans are fragile and at same time it shows how merciful is our Lord Jesus Christ. The Lord knows and is able to deal with us being so fragile. This gives us the hope.